
Art of Acting


“Acting is an Art, a Career, a Way of Life”

Ajoka Institute proudly presents a one of a kind course designed specifically for furthering your Career, Life and Creative Potential.

Over the course of three months, students will be presented with a detailed and unique study plan, culminating in a live performance as well as casting sessions held with Leading Pakistani Directors/Producers in our New Auditions & Casting program.

Course Description:

The “Art of Acting” course is designed to provide the students with practical experience about acting and enable them to understand the intricacies in performing various roles.

Acting is a subtle, imaginative even intangible art form. Contrary to popular notions, it is something which can be learnt and polished. From exploring the deepest recesses of the Human Mind, drawing out material from the elusive Sub Conscious to analysing not only others but yourself as well, through a structured course plan students will be guided step by step on a journey of self discovery.

Students will be guided towards:

* Understanding the art of expression, communication and social interaction.

* Appreciating and developing the tools at an actor’s disposal through specialist training in voice, movement and emotive skills

* Inculcating an understanding of Characterisation and character development

* Understanding and comprehending modern and postmodern acting theories and methods

* Introducing and developing an understanding of the art of improvisation


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, the students will have gained a good understanding of acting as an art, a medium and a career. They will be able to act as well as direct actors for Film/Television/Online projects. An additional benefit will be understanding of the psychology of characters in society.

Taught by Nirvaan Nadeem, students will be presented with guest lectures from leading National and International industry professionals. The course will culminate with a professional performance in front of a live audience, and casting sessions held with selected Directors.

A Limited number of students will be admitted.

3 Month Certification Course
PKR 10000/- Per Month

Starting: 14th February, 2025

Every Friday & Saturday

6 PM to 9 PM

Admission Open